Alliance Med BridgeAlliance Med Bridge offers customizable GAP insurance, powered by MedMutual Protect*, that complements a group’s comprehensive major medical plan. These supplemental medical expense policies serve as secondary insurance that can help reduce or cover the amount employees would normally pay toward health plan deductibles, copayments and coinsurance.
Members receive an ID card to show providers at the time of service, along with their primary health insurance card. Benefits can be paid directly to the healthcare providers upon submission of the patient’s Itemized Bill or HCFA and the Primary Carrier’s EOB (if there is an assignment of benefits).
By reducing the claims risk to the primary insurer, employers may experience immediate savings and greater premium stability. By providing an additional layer of protection for employees, GAP insurance through Alliance Med Bridge can reduce employees’ financial risk to out-of-pocket expenses. This combination makes GAP insurance through Alliance Med Bridge one of the few employee benefits that can be mutually beneficial to all parties.
Claims Process
One of the advantages of Alliance Med Bridge is that healthcare providers are able to file all of the claims for patients via an electronic payer code that is clearly labeled on the member’s secondary insurance card (note providers can also file US mail). Here is how the claims process works:

Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Alliance Med Bridge and what is GAP insurance?
Alliance HealthBridge is the brand name given to GAP products powered by MedMutual Protect* that are offered to employers and employees through [Lakeshore Benefit Alliance]. GAP insurance is secondary medical insurance designed to help reduce or cover the amount members pay toward health plan deducatibles and coinsurance.
Who files and pays the claims?
Is GAP insurance offered through Alliance Med Bridge intended to replace my current health plan or provider?
Is GAP insurance offered through Alliance Med Bridge a HSA, FSA, or HRA plan?
How is GAP insurance affected by the PPACA (Obamacare)?
Will GAP insurance increase the cost of our health insurance?
Are preexisting conditions excluded from being covered by GAP insurance?
Who underwrites and administers the GAP insurance policy offered through Alliance Med Bridge?
The GAP insurance policy offered through Alliance Med Bridge is administered by a third-party administrator, The Loomis Company and is underwritten by Reserve National Insurance Company. (MedMutual Protect is the brand name for insurance products issued by subsidiary insurance companies controlled by Medical Mutual of Ohio. Each subsidiary of Medical Mutual of Ohio is solely responsible for the insurance products it underwrites and issues.)
The underwriting company for the worksite MedMutual Protect GAP products is Reserve National Insurance Company, which is responsible for the underwriting risks, financial and contractual obligations and support functions associated with the products it issues.
If I’m an employer and want to offer GAP insurance through Alliance Med Bridge, what is needed for an initial analysis?
(1) Current Summary of Plan Description;
(2) Current rates;
(3) Census of employees on your plan;
(4) Amount of HSA, HRA, or FSA employer contributions (if any);
(5) A meeting with one of our Benefits Consultants.